Australia has signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Bilateral Co-operation with Colombia, forging formal links between the two nations’ energy sectors.

Experts have updated their assumptions of the brain’s memory capacity.

The Tasmanian Government will not provide extra funding for Hydro Tasmania.

A well-known expert says Australia could become a powerhouse of renewable energy

The Office of the Chief Scientist has put out its new STEM Programme Index.

Santos has reported its highest annual gas production figures since 2007.

China will shut more than 1,000 coal mines across four provinces.

Chevron has marked a milestone for its Gorgon offshore gas project.

The Australian Renewable Energy Agency(ARENA) has shortlisted 22 renewable energy projects for $100 million in funding, signalling that solar project costs would fall below $AU100/MWh by 2020.

Insiders say big profits in the resource market this year will come from materials used in high-tech energy storage and other futuristic technologies.

The Tasmanian government is moving to respond to a drop in energy security.

The South Australian Government is backing new moves to bring more technology into the mining sector.

Unions are keeping up their campaign to warn coal miners and their employers about ‘black lung’.

BHP Billiton is staring down the barrel of a $10.3 billion write-down on its US shale oil and gas assets.

Victoria Police say construction unions are using outlaw bikie gangs as “hired muscle”.

The director of the Energy Initiative at the University of Queensland says this year could see the rise of nuclear energy as a way for developing nations to provide base load power and keep carbon dioxide emissions down.

Fossil fuel firm AWE has signed an agreement with Alinta Energy to allow the development of a gas field in the Perth basin.

The Federal Court has dismissed SA Power Networks’ efforts to charge a tariff on homes with solar panels.

The next few weeks should see progress on an entirely new energy system for Australia.

Analysts say WA Government-owned Western Power’s poles and wires are the best electricity assets to sell in response to the surging popularity of rooftop solar.

The Queensland Government is raiding its own businesses to gather $1 billion in extra revenue, but reports say the gains will be swallowed up by a bulging public sector wage bill.

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