Experts have picked apart a 'game-changing' renewable energy deal between China and the US too see if it can match its own hype.

A new compensation scheme has been opened for NSW farmers, which will see the state opened up for new coal seam gas (CSG) mining licences.

Industry Minister Ian Macfarlane has issued an official press release slamming the Labor Party for giving up on the Renewable Energy Target (RET).

Tasmanian researchers have launched a commercial-viability test of equipment that can capture endless supplies of clean energy from the ocean.

Engineers in Finland have demonstrated an exciting new technique for generating electrical energy; harvesting power from vibrations.

Western Australia’s South Griffin coal mine stopped production for the third time in four months, due to the mine’s owners withholding money.

A public hearing today will listen to safety concerns about floating liquefied natural gas projects off the West Australian coast.

Funding has been secured for a demonstration-scale fuel plant in South Australia, which converts marine microalgae into green crude.

A local think tank says the Australian coal industry is using overblown and hyperblic claims to make itself seem more influential and important than it really is.

Over a billion dollars in “savings” held by Queensland state-owned energy company Energex will stay there, kept in the coffers while residents across the state pay ever-higher prices.

IBM has linked with an energy company to research faster ways to find oil and gas reserves under the sea floor.

The Federal Government has admonished the Opposition for some strong comments on the future of the coal industry.

Toro Energy has secured a $10 million deal to kick off Australia’s newest uranium mine.

The head of Australia’s consumer watchdog has given an update on one of its most challenging recalls – the de-installation of 4,000km of dodgy electrical wiring.

A Federal Government taskforce set up to look at dodgy union links in Victoria has been labelled a “stunt”.

Queensland local governments say they have heard no response from the Federal Government about a damning fly-in, fly-out (FIFO) mine workforce report, and something must be done.

A government energy report says coal and gas will keep the country running for decades, but might appear in a slightly different form.

The Australian Government wants experts and insiders to inform the future of its vocational training subsidies.

Australia’s place as the future home of cheap energy is at risk, according to reports, from the rise of North American, Brazilian and East African resource projects.

The Federal Government has provided an excellent opportunity for companies to appear as though they are doing something about their carbon emissions.

Cuts to the office in charge of developing northern Australia mean remote communities will continue missing out, some say.

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