Works have been completed on the Northern Territory’s first Solar Hybrid Power System at the Ormiston Gorge Rangers Station in the Territory’s West MacDonnel National Park.


Minister for Central Australia, Karl Hampton, said the solar panels the hybrid system is a combination of solar panels and battery storage that will work alongside the existing generators.


“Reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a key action within the Territory 2030 strategic plan and more solar panels in our parks and reserves will help achieve this,” Mr Hampton said.


“The introduction of a hybrid system at Ormiston is part of a rollout that has already improved energy outcomes at Watarrka National Park and Finke Gorge as part of the same program.”


The hybrid system was constructed to reduce fossil fuel consumption used at the station and is expected to result in fuel reduction savings of more than 60 per cent.


“Our parks play a huge role greening the Territory and supporting the great Territory lifestyle, whether it be for a day trip to Nitmiluk National Park, camping at Litchfield National Park or riding a bike through the West MacDonnell National Park, they bring many social, cultural and economic benefits to Territorians.