The Queensland Competition Authority (QCA) has released its Final Price Determination on the 2012-13 regulated retail electricity prices for all regulated retail electricity tariffs in Queensland.


The notified prices for 2012-13 have been influenced by a number of general factors including:

  • further increases in network charges, with Energex and Ergon Energy expected to recover additional revenue from network charges of around15.7% and 11.3% respectively;
  • an increase in the underlying cost of energy for small customers of around 43%, primarily due to the carbon tax;
  • retail operating costs for small customers remaining largely unchanged; and
  • the one-off effects of moving from an ad hoc set of tariffs that had evolved over time to a new tariff structure more closely resembling the true costs of supply which will have increased the prices for some tariffs and decreased the prices for others.


The regulator confirmed the most recent modeling by the Federal Treasury on the impact of the carbon price on electricity prices of 2.36 cents per KwH for residential and small business customers.


This would equate to a 10 per cent increase on the 22.76 cents per kWh that Queenslanders on Tariff 11 already pay for their energy. Based upon the standard residential customer referred to in the Queensland regulator’s draft determination*, this would increase weekly household expenditure on Tariff 11 by $2.44 per week.



The final determination can be found here (.pdf)