A new manufacturing technique has led to an increase in the energy-gathering abilities of solar panels.

A team in the United Sates has identified the genes responsible for increasing the oil content of plant leaves, in a discovery which could lead to great advances in the fields of agriculture and biofuel production.

Australia is set for a tempestuous end-of-year, with forecasts predicting an 11-cyclone season.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has released draft legislation to repeal the Carbon Tax, including the abolishment of the Climate Change Authority, Clean Energy Act, and other measures designed to combat pollution.

Moves are afoot to halve the time it takes to get mining exploration approval in Queensland, with the State Government moving to slash the process.

Lobbyists for the gas resource industry are pushing the Federal Government expand offshore and coal seam projects to avoid a predicted shortage in supply.

A breakthrough at the Australian National University’s School of Chemistry could open a path for further size reductions in some of the world’s smallest electronics.

A $6 million research partnership should allow a clean-burning synthetic fuel to hit the market, with CSIRO and its Indian equivalent coming together to light-up the new power supply.

A survey has revealed a considerable boom in the issue of patents for and investments in renewable energy.

Researchers at the University of Queensland have hit upon a pretty sweet idea, which could see lemons used to create clean, renewable jet fuel.

The Treasurer of the Northern Territory says the Government will not take on recommendations that say it should hike up utilities prices.

Plans to build a facility that would store nuclear waste from around the world at a station in the Northern Territory are reportedly “progressing”.

There has been concern from a New South Wales environment group over the intentions of Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt, calling on him to publicly commit to thorough investigations of coal and gas projects near water supplies.

Residents of a town in New South Wales have taken their ongoing battle over coal seam gas drilling to the state’s Premier.

A milestone has been passed on the path to a paradigm shift in energy production.

A new polymer has been created which emits white light more efficiently than organic LEDs.

A government department has recommended knocking back a proposal for a coal mine which may threaten the World Heritage listed Ben Bullen State Forest.

Years of work, millions of dollars but only a few kilograms of weight will be shooting down the highway from Darwin this weekend, with the start of the 3000 km World Solar Challenge race.

Mining giant Rio Tinto is helping usher in the robot revolution, with its plan to replace some of the world’s highest-paid train drivers with robotic equivalents.

Queensland Universities have undertaken a study which could change the future of mining and environmental considerations in the state.

Protections have been put in place to cover over 90 per cent of dwellings from any new coal seam gas activity in New South Wales.

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