The Western Australian Government has granted environmental approval for the contentious Browse Liquefied Natural Gas Precinct at James Price Point, north of Broome.


State Environment Minister Bill Marmion said that the decision was made following a three week consultation period with other departments and ministers for Mines and Petroleum; Indigenous Affairs; Lands; and Transport.


“In reaching this agreement, I also took into account comments made by the ministers for Planning and State Development; and agencies, including the departments of Environment and Conservation, and Water; and the Shire of Broome,” Mr Marmion said.


Additional environmental measures announced by Mr Marmion include:

  • improve knowledge and strengthen protection of whales, dolphins, dugongs, turtles and sawfish, including from the impacts of noise and pile driving
  • reduce impacts on the monsoon vine thickets
  • enhance protection of dinosaur tracks
  • better address the risk of pollution from oil spills and air emissions, and invasive marine species.



Mr Marmion also said he had strengthened the conditions for the involvement of traditional owners and native title claimants, and the requirements for stakeholder and community consultation on the development of the project.


The Federal Government now has final say on the environmental and heritage approval of the project.